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Thank you for the kind wishes, you guys! I love you all, and my hope for the new year is that we are all back, better than ever, and this time, we make the board as good as it once was! A new golden age is upon us, my friends!
The New Year's Resolution - The method by which one assures 0% probability
In the New Year, I hope that DIG gets sober and becomes mayor of Philly
"He MUST be a druggie or a drunk or both or crazy or all or most of that. Such unattainable brilliance can't be possible so I will make up such excuses to make myself feel better."

Either way here is my swearing-in oath: I, DIG, do solemnly swear as major of CDIH that I will always be the greatest and keep this place afloat in spite of its dullery, inactivity, & Goatweed... so help me god...until I don't want to anymore.
your obsession with me is annoyingly disturbing, in a very Alex Forrest sort of way.'s MY obsession. Follow almost every post I make with the same "washed up" horseshit and it's ME with the obsession.

I'll try this again: We both shut up and we both don't exist as far as the other goes.

So accept that and then you won't be so "worried" about me and my "obsession" (and wrong & retarded - I care less than a turd about you only that you're glued to my ass and I therefore do what I do to such cocksuckers). So...

"Are we square?"
You've posted my name on 3 boards over multiple posts, and you've even worked me into your sig - but somehow I'm the obsessed one?
This is futile. I'll take the sig down. I'll never mock or critisize you again. Just agree to the "ignore" plan.

I don't listen to lectures from half-wits. I don't explain myself. I don't apologize. Just say you will ignore me and I will ignore you & further the sig goes and you are a ghost to me as I will never address you, task you, or question you EVER...DONE...OVER

Deal or is this gonna just get more tiresome?
leave it up I dont care - but youre laughable when you try & say I'm the problem when clearly I somehow clit-hurt you & you can;t seem to either deal with it or are so enamored with me that you've made me some sick focal point of yours.

cliffs notes : tiresome
Ok cunt. I wil continue to mouth-fuck you as you post your little lame "has-been" posts after ever post I put up. And further you'll be like "WTF why are you stalking me?"

I don't like to make such hasty calls as this is only messageboard-land, but I think you are SO idiotic that I really and truly hate you. Now that don't mean shit so don't shit a brick (being idiotic and all) but there it is.

So last chance: Ignore plan?
love hate, I could give a fuck. What are you gonna do, "pay me a visit"? Then I can subpoena myself for you threatening posts to use in court, right????

You dance with every post I make - I really can't believe you've fallen this far down.
I've already stated that if you're fucking with rule.

But til then, I will play the game. If you aren't fuckin' with me then you are one seriously retarded fucko. You either play the part very well (I'd like to think that...truly, I would) or you are what I said: a retarded fucko.

It's all good sport to me though however things shake out.

That said and getting back "in character" if that's the case or if you really are so mentally malformed...whatever:

Assume the worst about me and take things as far as possible. I encourage this.
Jays will be mad that we've shit all over his thread. Fuck.
Doggie diamonds are still diamonds, ya know.
except when they're dogshit.
So is this where the jolly-good "glued to the ass" bit/part ends and we move on?

Or are we gonna keep hating on each other in this virtual dogfight where there are no planes - unless we mold one from a piece of poopoo (ie. a dooty plane)?
I knew I loved you for a reason. My first instincts are rarely wrong....that is, unless you're not just cashing in my latest "let me off the hook" card.
whenever I played Monopoly, I always loved digging out a Get Out Of Jail card from Chance or Community Chest. I loved that game, we played money in the pot rules - hardcore!!
I think I figured out the root of DIG's problem.

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