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NICE! :fuggin:
[Image: bo020419l.gif]
Wow Keyser, where did you find a comic strip about k1d?
hehe, he had a pot on his head. That was teh funney.
that made me laugh on this shitty day:bouncer:
[Image: ch910419.gif]

[Image: ch910417.gif]

Edited By LunaBabe on April 19 2002 at 11:36
Just ducky, thanks.

Calvin & Hobbes = Always funny.
Arthur, you realize you can hotlink images right?
[Image: 707_72dpi.gif]
[Image: ch910412.gif]

[Image: ch910411.gif]

Edited By LunaBabe on April 19 2002 at 11:42
I thought hotlinking was forbidden? Something about webmasters sending Sean nasty e-mails.
Quote:I thought hotlinking was forbidden? Something about webmasters sending Sean nasty e-mails.
I don't know anything about nasty e-mails sent to Sean, but from what I remember him saying, you can hotlink as long as its a single image, and not a sig.
I thought we were allowed to, too? If not, someone let me know..... :clueless:

[Image: ch910407.gif]
[Image: tywych07.gif]

[Image: tywych03.jpg]

not exactly comics but still good for a chuckle or two
[Image: randolphitch2002457070418.gif]
[Image: mono4.jpg]

one for snuka....
[Image: mono2.jpg]

[Image: chance1.jpg]
Sig options for OAS, Snuka, & Gonzo respectively
holy fuck!!!! i didn't even realize that.
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