Full Version: My bands first performance - Bar none, april 30th
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We have a few originals we plan on hauling out once we achieve our first goal, to get the cover thing off the ground.

Thanks zooty, i'm actually working with another band simultaneously on a harder edged project as well.
no :-D
haha, keyser sucks at teh plugs.
I thought maybe it was just me, so I looked at the last page, and the site, but nope, no time. Because 9 or 11, makes a difference.
Starts at 9PM
nothing to see here. move along

Edited By Arpikarhu on April 30 2002 at 4:52
I'm going. See you there.
How did it go? Anyone throw panties?
It was kick ass!! Thank you Silera and Alkey for coming out. We had a nice crowd there and everyone was really into it. It feels like a weight off to get that first show out of the way and i'm relived it went off without a hitch. Looks like we will be getting some more shows lined up real soon so i'll keep you all posted.
Congrats! Let me know if you guys are playing in the area! :thumbs-up:
Key - sorry I missed it bro. My son wasn't feeling well last night when I got home so I opted to stay in. Next time around I'll try to make it.
Thats ok Grumpy, hope your kid feels better. Thanks to everyone for your support.
you guys were pretty good
Quote:Thanks to everyone for your support.

You're welcome.
sorry i couldnt make it, but i checked out the site and key, i have made respect for someone who can do keidis so well...
gmann you were there?? thanks for coming man!!

Turns out we are gonna be playing Stevie G's down in Union Beach, NJ on Saturday, May 18th. Their number is (732)739-9299

Come on down!!! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
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