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same reason snuka gets excited when you mention 8 year olds
little hands?
hairless weinies
8 YEAR OLDS!!! where!!!!

are any of your kids 8 yet grumperamma?
Quote:hairless weinies
ooo they are good I brought the regular mustard today, so it won't burn as much. :blow:
none of my kids are 8 snuka - and even if they were, I'd never tell you.
i hear arpi has an 8 year old though.
no, just the pee pee of one........ they'll be a perfect match
dammit grump..I WILL BABYSIT :burnfucker:
look what ladi said snuka - arpi is hung like an 8 year old. go ask to babyshit him,
Actually that's not that odd. It happens to me occasionalyl and often it feels like you've slept longer in that less than an hour than you did in the previous hour(s) you spent sleeping.
no..i want your to babysit your kid. a midgets kid is something special :loveya:
Quote:Actually that's not that odd. It happens to me occasionalyl
You have the urge to touch children?? Duuuude, we were just kidding! {:o}
Quote:Duuuude, we were just kidding!

we were??? :confused:
This one time...
At retard camp...
Quote:This one time...
At retard camp...

....arpi stuck a tree trunk up ken's ass.
Quote:we were???
Shhh, I can't have them taking you away. Who will knaw off my toe nails tonight if you aren't there!

Quote:This one time...
At retard camp...
A little boy named Sluggo was abandoned by his parents for 3 months, because it was the first Summer Camp they found.
Quote:Shhh, I can't have them taking you away. Who will knaw off my toe nails tonight if you aren't there!

I forgot...i would really miss that. Also....shhhh we cant let people know about what we do. What happens in the trailer stays in the trailer.
Oh yeah right! But for that ... other project.... can you pick up steel wool, tooth picks, peanut butter & sardines? I have the bucket.
NICE! always make me look foward to coming home!! {Smile}

But i still have a sardine bone stuck in my pisshole from last time.
You want I should get the needle nose or the Big plyers?
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