Full Version: Who do you love?
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I love teh Alkey, but...
No way...
Don't make me Call you out in front of the board...
fuck!!! i hate when mayseph is right. shit!!!

Quote:Don't make me Call you out in front of the board...
You're just pissy cause you werent in the lead in post count. Like that means anything. You do realize that I'm most likely right with you or ahead of you in count right?

Arpi, you count fast. WOW!
Quote:Don't make me Call you out in front of the board...

Yeah, call him out! Confusedtupid:
Don't make me Call you out in front of the board...
I think he would prefer if you went around and knocked at the back door.
Quote:Arpi, you count fast. WOW!
stick your sarcasm in your ear. i just realized i missed one since your evil deed

{Sad} I want Arpi's posts back. :fuckoff:
Yes...You probably are...
I whored my ass off after taking a few weeks off...
Just couldn't let Alkey be the one...
I would've had to commit ritual suicide...
Quote:Yeah, call him out!
[Image: isgay.gif]
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! just in time, i had run out of fingers

i love the alkey, and it's good to see that he's alive!

Sure, as long as he doesn't run into you tonight.
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
There is someone else I would like to profess my love for...
But the rest of you fucking C-Blockers will jump all over my case for it...
tell us sluggo, the suspense is killing me!!
I said someONE not something, Alkey...Sheeeeeeeesh...
He loves teh poopies!
I love Chocolate.
Quote:I love Chocolate.

Kid A?
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