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Quote:The look in your eyes as you ask "aren't you done yet?"
I don't want to reveal my true desire! I feel I am being pushed to take on my true form, the Preying Mantis. Tonight when you drop by the trailer, after Snuka has left for the Rat Hunt, I will sumbit to your awkward and juvenile groping one more time, then I WILL HARNESS THE POWER OF THE PEN!!!

I will bite off your head and scoop out your entrails. The night will be a drunken feast! I will imbibe gasoline & moonshine, shoot fireworks into the neighbors yard & string your intestines around the room to dry & cure. I plan to weave them into a hat and wear your Shit Tunnel of Love on my head.
Must you rob me of my dignity in front of the whole board,
I know you have taken solace in the arms of other lovers,
Lord knows the trips to the clinic and the gallons of penicilin I have endured because of your trasgressions. But must everyone know I am the cuckold you have turned me into...
Is not the misery of sharing a bed with you enough,
without these threats of a merciful end to my suffering.
Please return to me my love,
i once took a shit in central park. It was quite relieving. I was holding it in for hours but I finally had to let it go.....much like you two dweebs should let this lovey dovey shit'll feel much better afterwards. trust me.
grumpy I haven't felt this way since the first night I met Wilbur and he :fart: on my head. I thought my skin was going to peel off, and the hyperventilating gave me such a high I thought the world could end & I wouldn't care. Please don't take away my Pen like you keep me The Wilbur!
Ladi, you two timing bitch,
time to make a choice the pig or the pen.
How about the Pigpen? {:o}
babe, that's what I call my crib.
Ohhhh...thanks for hipping me to that, dude. {Big Grin}
I do wanna be hipping with ya....:fucking:
Ladi, please forgive me for that moment of weakness,
that Jezebel turned me from the sweet torment that is my love for you.
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