Full Version: Is anyone pleased - By the return of irishalkey.
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Hey Danked...:fuckoff: :fuckoff: :fuckoff:

The very thought that she may have nuzzled that giant ear just breaks my heart. {Sad}
C'mere Danked...
I understand...

I need to be alone right now.
he feels betrayed.betrayal can kill any other feeling
But I loooooooooovee Danked. :loveya:
Quote:The very thought that she may have nuzzled that giant cock just breaks my heart.

Aww, shucks Dankarelly! :roflmao:

Danked told me your box smells bad.
Quote:Danked told me your box smells bad.

sileralkey, i think you should scroll to the top of the screen.up there, there is a button marked "log out" near by "my control pannel".you should try clicking it sometimes
But Danked said you stink real bad.
You guys are gonna have ugly retard babies with big ears and nice asses.
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Alkey says "what if they have nice ears and one ass cheek bigger than the other?" :confused:
Alkey tried to touch me in a bad place in a chat room once. It was like being an alter boy all over again.
Then they will sit crooked on the chair
[Image: sad2.gif]
Just think of the skwerls, Danked...
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