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so thats not was actually fun to do....your the one who shoved a crippled rat in your hoopty harrier with just its twitching tail hanging out trying to get that python to go in and get it.
Quote:dont make me take out the MEAT

Bring it Popeye [Image: 2400016317.jpg]

I cant believe he did the clam shell thing. Usually he takes handfulls of spinach and slathers it all over his body and runs around like Swamp Thing.
OOo! I probably shouldn't even start on Thanksgiving... the mashed potatoes & the cornbread dressing had dick prints in them, the peas had a substance we chose to believe was snot, and the Turkey had been "stuffed" in more ways than one. During dessert he got up on the table and sat in the bannana pudding & :poopain: After that he had to be tied up out back with the dog for a "time out."
yeah ladi is like the kinky abusive mother i never had....but she shares in the little delights i bring home...we have such a happy trailer.
Quote:but she shares in the little delights i bring home

cub scouts or brownies this week? ya have to vary the routine a bit, ya know?
Quote:cub scouts or brownies this week?

Tiger scouts this week! They are the veal of the child world.
there's room in my basement if ya need to "age" them a only concern is having to keep Ladi from.....well, sampling the goods...before they're ready
ladi is good...she has come a long way since moving into the trailer. your basement your kids still go down said yourself there is plenty of room. {:p}
noooo....i said there's room....just have to step over and around Luna, Ladi and CRX is all....damn they take up some space..shit!! my can watch my kids right after you watch Grump''s that
SWEET! grumpy will never let me watch his kids...i dunno why. i will even paint up my infant invader to look like sponge bob. they will have a blast....grumpy is just a party pooper.
well, they are Grump's kids.....why don't you try that fag Teletubby...Tinky Winky....may score ya some points with the midget.....just remember, don't bring any Keebler cookies to his house....I did that once....not pretty, much like his grandma
:roflmao: oh you pipe swalllowing flamers kill me.

Snuka - teletubbies, sponge bob or rug rats....none of them will work. You're not allowed to watch my kids. Ask again and I'll bring back the 10 mile restraining order and have your ass arrested again. I'm sure Bubba the Love Sponge missed since you're last visit. Did your ass ever heal right after he stuffed ya like the thanksgiving turkey you violate every year?
no it hasnt...and i cant adds a more stimualting experience when small children stuck tonka trucks up there.
John Deere is gonna want to rent snuka's ass as a distribution center if he keeps it up.
Hey Grumpy..... I put away the broken glass & and all the matches. Can I watch your kiddies?
not until their 17....then you can have the honor of taking their virginity.....
Oooo, I'll be so oooold....... like your age ;-)
i have first dibs on them frumpy!! :fuckoff:
snuka - I figure you'll be either dead from being beaten by another parent, in prison or have your own kids to molest by the time my kids grow up.

And ladi - with age comes EXPERIENCE. :fucking: Think about that for a while...... :-D
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