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OK, now it's 3:14. everyone go to sleep!
ok then, me neither
i'm not here either
:loveya: & :hail: teh Confusedleeper:
Any teens yet?
Quote:any teens yet?


and why should I sleep? It's 2:30 p.m....:clueless:

and the answer to what i was doing will be seen soon...
OK, now it's 4:38, everyone go to sleep.
hellloooooooooo??????? :crackhead:
Don't worry trish, you are not alone, I am awake as well, i think. I rather not be though. Sleep no longer comes all too easy these days for me.:disappointed:
Ugh! My day starts at 4:30, so if you get to sleep until any decent hour.....I HATE YOUR FUCKING GUTS!!!!1 :fuckoff:
what if you don't go to sleep until well, not yet? i talked to my mum (i think, my parents have one aim and i never know which one i'm talking to) but anyway, it was about 8 in the morning and she asks me if i'm coming in or going out. there was no surprise what soever when i told her i'd be going to bed, soon... maybe:crackhead:
incidentally, could sombody please tell me why i'm watching karate kid?
I fell asleep for awhile but I'm awake now, I'm not sure if that counts.
Quote:incidentally, could sombody please tell me why i'm watching karate kid?

Because you're hoping that this time, finally, Lorusso gets his whiney fucking ass kicked!!!
no way man, i'm gonna do it for johnny
bah, i guess you people all have to do work or something :disappointed: Rolleyes
good morning crx :loveya:'s all mine!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 how about some ice cream bars :burnfucker: :firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce:
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