Full Version: You fucking douchebag - Yeah, you...
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hee hee. You said "partner". You're a queer.

Queers can't get mad at their fucking douchebag coworkers?
Quote:All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...All work and no play make Barch something something...

Edited By Arthur Dent on May 02 2002 at 12:26
OK... now that was effin funny :-D

he gets to live another day
I thought he died last week. Didn't you spike his coffee with adreneline like you said you were gonna do?
Lucky old fucking douchebag got bumped up on the donor list.
if ya can't kill em make his life miserable. 3 drops of visine in his coffee will keep him out of your hair all day. he'll have hersey squirts that would make even Snuka cringe.
Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try.

Does it only work with coffee? ...he's a bit of tea fag
works with anything. put a few drops in his bagel if you want. just don't go crazy. 3-4 drops is plenty. then sit back and watch him hide in the bathroom all day.

BTW - if he has kidney problems, DO NOT DO THIS. I'm not bailing your ass out when they lock you up for Manslaughter.
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