Full Version: Weird morning
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Quote:This morning I pop out of bed, no alarm, at 7:04 am. 1 hour before my alarm.
tell me about it. i was hoping to get some extra sleep but with you making all that noise i had no choice but to get up too
Quote:Credits always roll at the end of my dreams.
Quote:OAS, what is it like going to bed, knowing "this might be, the night I die in my sleep"?

Hint: After the credits role and the house lights come up, DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT, CAROL ANN!
But isn't that where the naked virgins are?
Quote:But isn't that where the naked virgins are?
Don't be fooled. The only virgins there are religious prudes who will only give it up to the guys with big wings and little children.:burnfucker:
Note to self:
Grow wings and keep candy in pockets for after-life
Grumpy's dad?
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