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don't let the door hit you in the ass

if you go to the store? can you get me a soda?
Quote:Actually I think he's saying "Brokenjaw, ride me until I see stars"
Well at least ONE of them can see well.
Quote:Actually I think he's saying "Brokenjaw, ride me until I see stars"

heh, i like that...ride me till i see stars:roflmao:
one jokes always teh funney:roflmao:
Quote:one jokes always teh funney
Yes, I agree, where's Hosp? :roflmao: :lol: :lol:
shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! meant one eyed. oh well

Edited By Arpikarhu on May 02 2002 at 2:54
Quote:Well at least ONE of them can see well.

Ohh I get it. :fuckoff: It would have been funny if Arpi said it, you , well yuou just try to hard,Grumpard.;-)
Sheee ya later, Alligators.
Quote:It would have been funny if Arpi said it
BJ is warm for my form:loveya:
That is so fucking gay Arpi. :roflmao:
Be seeing you.
Quote:Be seeing you.
i am sure someone somewhere said this in print and you could have just cut and pasted it.
cojelo con take it eazzzy!
aw reseviour....
Pages: 1 2