Full Version: Who is gonna be the first stalker to hunt down FBP
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Please add me to the official voting options, as I have already begun my research and will eventually have her head on a stick in my room so I can stare at it all day.

[Image: FBP1.jpg][Image: FBP3.jpg]
[Image: FBP2.jpg]
i think i'm gonna puke :clueless: <font color = white>

Edited By crx girl on Feb. 08 2002 at 03:49
I know it sure as hell won't be me. I never saw the appeal and still don't. Guess I'm one of a rare few.
She's kinda cute...
But I'm not gonna be stalking anyone...
Well...Maybe Flock... :fuggin:
[Image: FBP1.jpg]

When did Stephanie McSlut Helmsley start posting on message boards?

Edited By GonzoStyle on Feb. 09 2002 at 10:14
What;s with the wall of shame behind her? :thumbs-up:
Hey Ladi Wrote:What's with the wall of shame behind her?

I think it's all the guys that have drooled over her on not one, not two, but three boards.
I'm so glad I'm not on the list. She is very nice and cute. But stalking her? I don't know why anyone would.

Oh who the fuck am I kidding? :loveya: ::drooling:: If you look really close on her wall you can see my pic. I swear. Big Grin

Edited By The Dragon on Feb. 09 2002 at 11:50
Pages: 1 2 3