Full Version: Arpi and maynard sitting in a tree - K-i-s-s-i-n-g
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Pages: 1 2
Hey, I was told this was part of my initiation process.

Just following orders, and well it only seemed appropriate considering your boyfriend was locked up and could use the company.
i hope you didnt put that self-righteous piece of shit in here with me
Arpi, why this time???
[Image: hat.jpg]
Look at you, carrying on like an old married couple.
[Image: fish.jpg]
[Image: tire.jpg]
[Image: christmas-tree-decorated1.jpg]
it has something to do with your hat tire....hattire.....attire???

they hate your clothes???
[Image: otter.jpeg]
are you going to hotlink a box of tampons next?
[Image: toenail.jpg]
Christmas Seals?
[Image: Bisti-Mushroom-1---thumb.jpg]
[Image: balloon.jpg]
[Image: Inca.jpg]
[Image: aztec-stone-head.jpg]

Edited By Arpikarhu on May 03 2002 at 3:33
[Image: earthworm%20cross-section.gif]
[Image: 1020454102693_grow_on_trees_2_.gif]
Face worms? what? I am so confused! :clueless:
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