Full Version: Omfg hot hot hot abortion action - Cum here now 4 fetus on fetus action omg
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Pages: 1 2
When did turn into Tasteless bastards.:fuckoff:
I've seen all those pics before, nothing shocking there. Next.
That one black baby looks like his organs are all in the wrong places. No wonder he's dead.
Quote:I've seen all those pics before, nothing shocking there. Next.

Seph...buddy...I really like that you have tried. Everyone else is harder on you than i am. All you need is some assistance. Feel free to ask for assistance anytime you wish. There are soooooooooooo many things I can show you. Im working with polly right now...but after her you can be next in line unless someone beats you to it. :thumbs-up:
im gonna go repent now
Pages: 1 2