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ours has been upright in the stand pretty much since we got it. so, maybe it is the lense thingy. i dunno, but it is the one piece of electrical equipment that hasn't been abused so there's really no reason for it to be broken. anybody know where i can get it looked at and repaired?
Quote:anybody know where i can get it looked at and repaired?
The owner's manual or the website have an 800 number for tech support. Nevere had to use it myself though, so I don't know what they're policies are.

I know with Epson printers, they mail you a pre-paid shipping label and send UPS to your house to pick it up, then ship it back to you when it's fixed. All free of charge during the warranty period.
Quote:I know with Epson printers, they mail you a pre-paid shipping label and send UPS to your house to pick it up, then ship it back to you when it's fixed. All free of charge during the warranty period.

ok, and what the fuck does that have to do w/ SONY PS2???
i could understand if Epson made the PS2, but THEY DON'T. In fact, Epson has NOTHING to do w/ the gaming industry. Every company has its own return/repair policy, so telling your story about Epson's return/repair policy does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR THE REST OF US. So next time, before you decide to post another anecdote, think about it first and make sure it relates to the topic at hand.

Oh, and btw... Epson printers smoke cock (they do make sweet scanners tho).

and AM... im STILL waiting, bitch. don't make me disable ur account :-o
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