Full Version: Fuck everybody - Especially arpi
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Yeah Sluggo,
You were a Pussy....
(I will help you just don't tell anyone)
Do you squat when you pee???
Thats it i must cleanse the earth of APRI. Sluggo don't worry thy (thine?) bidding will be done.

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
Quote:Yeah Sluggo,
You were a Pussy....
(I will help you just don't tell anyone)
Do you squat when you pee???
now THAT is funny:rofl:
:fuggin: Pffffft. One puff and he's a pushover again.
Danked, I am fucking stoned out of my mind right now...
The hate overwhelms me...
I think I like it.
what do you like...the high or the hate?
What fucking difference does it make?
I'm high and full of hate...
fuck you faggit, see if i am on your side anymore you jackoff
Spreading the disease.
Hey Sluggo
Joe Soprano wants to join....
I told him your'e the pussy who might let him in.
sluggo has embraced the dark side!!!!

That almost made me chuckle...
The fact that you think it's funny makes it fucking hysterical...
He'll get here over my dead fucking rotting corpse.
Go buy some coffee from a terrorist Sluggo,
(I won't tell anyone that you did)
OK, Kenoedriver...
You really reached for that one.
Joe Soprano 4 Life!!!!!
I will reach anywhere just to feed your rage, bitch......
Just a little reminder...
I still fucking hate you all...
Fuck you, and have a shitty fucking life.
Do you know that Sluggo PMs me all the day,
just to say he thinks I am funny?
Then he asks me not to tell anyone that he said that.
Sluggo if you think he's funny then you should switch brands of vodka
ken is just trying to start trouble
i think he deserves tim ein the cell
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