Full Version: Undercover brother - Anyone else going to see this?
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I downloaded a telesync of UB last night. Pretty god damned funny. Definitely better than I expected.

"You've got soul." < :rofl:
it does look funny as hell.......then again so did ladies man and from what i've heard the funniest parts of it were all shown in the trailers and the movie itself STUNK HARD!
Actually the funniest parts weren't even implieed in the trailer. This had the soul that Ladies Man wanted to have but didn't all.
IkeaBoy say Undercover Brother o'tay!
Quote:It's a take off of blaxploitation flicks.

Something tells me that this IS a blaxploitation flick.

Jack of Spades was the sarcastic take off of the blaxploitation movies.
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