Full Version: Where does this leave me.....
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Edited By The Sleeper on May 08 2002 at 1:24
Ken, instead of looking for the reasons to hate maymay, you need to find the things you have in common. For one, you are both human beings, on this planet, trying to carve out a little safety and love for yourselves. Isnt that enough?
You watched too much Mr. Rogers growing up, didn't you?
Great. Another chat thread.
i love you keyser:loveya:
Quote:Great. Another chat thread.
Please stop that Keyser. You have to realize that different people have different expectations in life. Yours may just be different from someone elses. It doesn't make you, OR them a bad person.
You can assure yourself that I will never feign happiness for any non-legal reason. Internalize rage- yes. Be happy- no.

Edited By IkeaBoy on May 08 2002 at 2:22
Pages: 1 2