Full Version: Double jeopardy - Lightning round
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What we should put around the chat/game threads so you bastards keep them all in one place.
Quote:barbed wire
What do convicts call decorative fencing?
Help Desk
Keyser didn't read the instructions.
So do it fucknuts.....create a playground forum....otherwise stop bitching.
Quote:create a playground forum
Can I play with the girls? Huh can I? Pretty please! We can play house.
Ken's post
Quote:So do it fucknuts.....create a playground forum....otherwise stop bitching.


Keyser....are you premenstrual or something?
Do you need a midol sandwich?

Edited By LunaBabe on May 14 2002 at 11:04
Quote:Huh can I? Pretty please!
What is Ken's idea of a smooth pick up line?

baby oil.
No, you see, posting an answer would mean I wished for this thread to continue.

Quote:baby oil.
What Keyser should be boiled in.

electrical outlet
Quote:barbed wire
worst movie ever

Quote:electrical outlet
What Luna needs if her date cancels out on her. :loveya:

Quote:So do it fucknuts.....create a playground forum....otherwise stop bitching

I think thats an excellent idea, i'll mention it to the absentee landlord.

What OAS needs for meals when he can't find his teeth.

What Keyser feels when we play games.

What I want to dress Luna up in.
what keysers ass looks like after sunbathing nude at the gay nude resort?

Toe shoes
What Keyser needs a taste of.


Edited By LunaBabe on May 14 2002 at 11:52
Quote:Toe shoes
What can't Grumpy wear because of his cloven hooves?

What Grumpy's boyfriend lovingly refers to his condoms as.
Double Jeopardy - Bonus question

Quote:unacceptable amnesia

What was the judges decision on Ken's defense on why he was fuckin that goat in Times Square last tuesday?

Thongs and bloomers
What I experience at the mere mention of the name Keyser.


Edited By LunaBabe on May 14 2002 at 12:05
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