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I was just there.
If, by some chance, I was about to become homeless, I would take my camping gear, use my last $$ to buy a crossbow and a bowie knife, and disappear into the deepest woods I could take a greyhound bus to. Preferably the Pacific North West. Spend the rest of my life as a nomad living off the land rather than a beggar in the street.
Quote:I would take my camping gear, use my last $$ to buy a crossbow and a bowie knife, and disappear into the deepest woods I could take a greyhound bus to. Preferably the Pacific North West. Spend the rest of my life as a nomad living off the land rather than a beggar in the street.
COOL!!!! Can I come too? :bouncer:
Quote:COOL!!!! Can I come too?
Only if you know how to dress a deer and tell which berries and mushrooms are good to eat.
Quote:Only if you know how to dress a deer and tell which berries and mushrooms are good to eat.
hell yeah! I can do that stuff. Just call me UngaBunga Woman! :-D
Ahhhhhh Luna do you know what dressing a deer means???
you aren't putting hair ribbons on.....
Quote:Ahhhhhh Luna do you know what dressing a deer means???
You mean it means I can't catch all the deer and dress them up in some cool duds? :-o Undecided:clueless:
Homeless people are good...they keep me employed...please do not feed them or give them money...but most importantly never find them homes.
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