Full Version: Gayest sport ever?
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Why do we have MLS, because there is Lent and the whole population of San Francisco that needs entertainment.
soccer is not gay in any way. it's a sport just like any other, but it does require TALENT to play...
what about the short shorts and high socks/shin pads?
why do football players wear spandex and pads EVERYWHERE?
Ummmm, cause otherwise they would die.
soccer is alot harder and rougher than you think. try playing instead of just bashing.
I've played in gym class, it wasn't that interesting. so there.
i dont play in gym. i choose not to because it is boring. instead i play <table style=filter:glow(color=red)>ULTIMATE FRISBEE</table>.
Synchronized swimming is Gayer than man on man anal.

And to all of you who think curling is gay, have you seen the Swedish women's olympic team? No, because if you had, you wouldn't be calling it gay.:-p

Soccer isn't gay, just strongly effeminate.

Wrestling isn't gay, sports entertainment is.

Curling rules.
Soccer itself is not gay, it's just their fans are.

Edited By Sloatsburgh on May 20 2002 at 1:38
Even if the Swedish Womens Curling team is sweet, it still doesn't mean it's not a gash sport. Christ it's worse then bowling, and I bowled for 4 years.

"Hey fellas let's get our brooms and do some curling!"" no matter how loud you say it, it's still gaey.
How could tennis be on there? [Image: anna.jpg]
FYI, since that's the second time you've posted that picture, I figured I'd point out that the picture is faked.

the tits are photoshopped on to make it look like her shirt is wet. If you want to see the actual hottest picture of Anna, here it is.

[Image: BigRed.jpg]
I don't care if it is a fake or not. It is still a nice picture.
jack's anna should wear a bra!

sync. swimming is gay, but figure skating is more gay. and besides, has anyone seen men's sync. swimming? i've seen old women doing it, and it's fucking hysterical to watch. but i don't think men do it.
theres like sychronized swimming doubles, and i think there was one man/woman couple who were in it hoping to make the olympics

i feel gay for knowing that Undecided
did you enjoy watching th man suynchronize swimming?? :thumbs-up:
good god, i didn't actually watch it.
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, i believe you!
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