Full Version: How will FNMoron die in "The Hole" ?
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If prison movies and "OZ" has taught me anything, it's that Convicts never live to make parole. That being said, I want to pose the question: How will FNMoron die?

Hopefully, this thread will give the killer some ideas.
judging by the polls thus far, i guess the result is much more important than the process. :oh yeah:

Edited By The Sleeper on Jan. 19 2002 at 7:51
I liek pie two.
Hey, "THE" Sleeper...
Why bother trying to stealth edit...
Evey other post is a different color anyway...
You have a 50/50 chance of getting busted.
And...I'm sure Moron will make parole...
If he isn't shanked by Ikea first.
Sluggo Wrote:Hey, "THE" Sleeper...
Why bother trying to stealth edit...
Evey other post is a different color anyway...
You have a 50/50 chance of getting busted.
And...I'm sure Moron will make parole...
If he isn't shanked by Ikea first.
I think you need your eyes checked old man, I did nothing of the sort.
Sure...I saw your code...busted. :moonie: