Full Version: My friends scare me.... - An email i just got regarding episode ii
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Get your Star Wars Name


Blala Hipri
Board name = Artde Adnew

Stupid. Takes the first three letters of your first name and the first two of your last to make the first name. Then Uses the first two of your mom's maiden name and the first three of your town to make the last name.
PAF46 your friend needs help....
Quote:Stupid. Takes the first three letters of your first name and the first two of your last to make the first name. Then Uses the first two of your mom's maiden name and the first three of your town to make the last name.
I heard this one.... then there was more. Something like, the make of your car was your "species" and the last drug you did was your "homeland." All my friends were from the land of Reefer. :lol: Confusedmokey:
Then there's the whole porno name thing where your first pet's name goes with your mother's maiden name....mine was Sammy Shapiro....sounds more like a senior citizen man than I porn star.
I don't know my actual first street, so I've always just gone with the one I've lived on forever..... Chelsea Beaver, works so well too. :fucking:
If I did the street thing, I would be Sammy Haring...bit better, but still hideous.
You could say Herring... and go for a whole new audience.
Sammy Herring...the fishiest cunt on the planet....someone go make me a business card.
your friend went to celebration II in chicago on may 4 and 5? how cool is that!
I think it's just odd...he's more than a should see his room...he's 25 years old...he doesn't work and lives at home...his room is covered with movie posters and other memorabilia. Perhaps if he did this in addition to other things, it wouldn't be so odd...I barely even talk to him anymore since our lives are so different.
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