Full Version: Life's mini ordeals
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[quote]Sorry Ken, not being able to hold your bladder for extended periods is a sign of aging. Your getting old. Suck it up and move on with your life.

Ladies - may I suggest having a few paperclips in your car the next time you need to relieve yourselves?

Personally, I drive about an hour or so and my fuckin bladder kicks in just as I get into work. if there's traffic, I pray that I can get to the gas station on the Palisades in time.

Oh and there was that one time on the Verrazano bridge when I was stuck in dead stop traffic at 3 AM cuz of an accident. I can truly say I am one of few people that actually took a leak off the Verrazano Bridge midspan.
Quote:Ladies - may I suggest having a few paperclips in your car the next time you need to relieve yourselves?
And what, may I ask, is one to do with paperclips? :clueless:
Quote:And what, may I ask, is one to do with paperclips?

I could only think of...
1. clip in on and it would kinda be like kids in Kindergarten & who do the pee pee dance, holding their crotch.
B. Straighten it out, insert it like a catheter (sp) and let the piss run down it, and drip into a bottle.....
Do I need to give you the visual? If I must.

The next time you're in your car needing to pee, drop your pants, and clip your meat flaps shuts until you can get to a bathroom or a bush.
I just had to ask, didn't I? :disappointed: :crackhead:
I've had to pee for the last two hrs, but I can't put the mouse down. Plus it's time for lunch, and I smell someone's food, but I can't .... put.... down.... the ...mouse!!! :lookatme: help! Posters Annoymous, please! I'm always afraid I'll miss something.
Quote:Posters Annoymous, please! I'm always afraid I'll miss something.
Admit it,'re a junky....just like the rest of us. :lol:
Whatever do you mean?

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I thought of another "ordeal" ... when I'm walking & the thong moves or soemthing and pinches my shit, can't very well grab it right there in public and try to straighten it out. Much to the possible delight of passing men.

One time, I was driving and it happened. So I was trying to slow down for a light and straighten up off the seat at the same time, so I could stick my hand down my pants and yank out the offending thong.

Edited By Hey Ladi on May 15 2002 at 1:44
Pages: 1 2