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i just got back from softball in central park and it is fucking gorgeous out!!!
yeah it is here, too. Altough I did see a dead possum in the road..didnt quite add to the almost perfect day. :clueless:
Quote:Altough I did see a dead possum in the road..
probably seph taking a nap
Arpi that was not remotely funny.
and who made you the funney police kenny?
Quote:Arpi that was not remotely funny
i know you laughed, who are you kidding?
Nope no laughs,
though your sig pic made me chortle.
Quote:yeah it is here, too. Altough I did see a dead possum in the road..didnt quite add to the almost perfect day.

Unfortunately I have you beat. I have a dead <span style='font-size:7.0001pt;line-height:100%'>dog</span> laying 20 feet from my front office door. Good thing animal control has the day off. Fucking bastards. :angry:

Edited By Weird NJ on May 16 2002 at 4:30
Quote:I have a dead dog laying 20 feet from my front office door.
Probably Seph hunting for his dinner.
Quote:Probably Seph hunting for his dinner.
Ken that was not remotely funny.
oh, and now YOU are teh funney police too?
Yeah but did you find my sig pic amusing?
your sig pic is worse than a red X kenny
Nope, no chortleing.
None of you are ever remotely funny.
Quote:None of you are ever remotely funny.
Thank you for the commentary Faceman.
Quote:None of you are ever remotely funny
shouldnt you be loaded, IMing people gibberish?
Quote:Thank you for the commentary Faceman.
Quote:shouldnt you be loaded, IMing people gibberish?
See what I mean?
Quote:shouldnt you be loaded, IMing people gibberish?
Only if you're going to send him more male nudie pics. :lol:
Quote:Only if you're going to send him more male nudie pics
i have been posing for myself all afternoon so no problem
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