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Quote:whatever, chelsea lover
if you continue to harass me, then i am going to stop reading your drunken ramblings
Quote:haha, she called you a shitsniffer!!
how come you weren't a shitsniffer?:clueless:
Quote:how come you weren't a shitsniffer?
Cause I am the mackdaddy.
way to keep up hedcoldUndecided
I'm the daddy mack!
i'm just a lonely shitsniffer who once again is out of the loop

Quote:I'm the daddy mack!
are not!
Quote:how come you weren't a shitsniffer?

cause i gave sleeper a personal explanation ;-)
Quote:cause i gave sleeper a personal explanation
The mackdaddy strikes again!
so, this good or bad?

[Image: tywon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
[Image: vernwon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!

i get to be seph for the day.
[Image: dougwon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!

I want them to come do my bedroom so bad...especially after the episode I saw this weekend.
ME to

[Image: vernwon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
[Image: tywon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
Fuck. I got Doug too. I'm going to go kill myself now.
Frank's not gay??? wow. Doug is though...

and :loveya: Ty

This blows...I didn't watch the first season Undecided
[Image: alexwon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
I could give to shits as to who I am in trading spaces,
does anyone have a quiz to tell me which Bernie Mac character I am???
Well look at you fuckers all color co-ordinated and shit. How cute! :bouncer:
:rofl: Hey Spit!! Look!1

[Image: alexwon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
Alright, most of those questions made absolutely no sense to me. BUt, just to show how honest a person I am:

[Image: pizzastahwon.jpg]

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!

Let the tooling begin. <font color=white>Wonder if anyone will get the pun.</font>
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