Full Version: Magazine declares chelsea clinton a sex symbol? - Do you think she is hot?
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Agreeing with Arpi will make me vomit but he is right. In person she is very f-able in appearance and is very sweet. And the smile is genuine. She is a daddy's girl and does not seem to warm up to mom much at all. I think as she has grown out of the gangly teen she has developed quite nicely.
I am in agreement with OAS, he is a wise and worldly man who has much to teach our younger generation.
Too bad that picture makes her look like mom...

Remember the old addage:
"You ain't as great as you are young."

To some of us over 30, anything between 17 and 26 is effable
Was that a fucking picture of Hillary???? Holy shit....Chelsea has morphed, and not in a good way
She's a hideous fucking troll that looks too much like her mom. I wouldn't fuck her with Metal's dick and blame it on Maymay.
and let us not forget the hideous bitch has her dad's worst feature, that kilo at once snorting nose of his. She is beyond not hot. The only reason to fuck her is the prestige that would go along with ass fucking Billy's daughter. Like that fugly bitch would say no to ass play.
she looks like a muppet to me
Quote:she looks like a muppet to me
HA HA!!! Miss Piggy on crack.:rofl:
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