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Dude, the water is so warm. It's like taking a bath, but other people do it for you. I felt so rich when I had it done.

A doctor and a nurse cleaning out my ear drums with wonderful 110 degree H2O. I swear, I'm about to beat off.
Jelly doughnut??
i want to have my ear earigated. i used peroxide like 2 weeks ago but that had me all freaked out about leaving it in too long

and yea tom green did do that on mtv for their auction. big ass clumps came out. i've wanted to do it ever since.
My first job out of college was with a medical instrument company. They had the ear syringes, but I never tried one. Did take home a few sample ear curettes though, strictly for work related reasons. They're these plastic sticks with soft plastic loops at the end for scraping out the ear wax. Much better than cottan swabs because they don't push the shit in. Too bad they're illegal to sell to non-medical people because stupid people would puncture their ear drums with them.
Use Qtips every morning after I shower
Quote:SO MUCH FUCKING WAX COMES OUT. It comes out in huge clumps the size of chewed Trident.
It's called a Cerrumin Impaction.
Quote:It's called a Cerrumin Impaction.

I use those as candles in my basement....they burn forever :burnfucker:
i clean my ears with q-tips after i take a shower or bath. Q-tips = ear orgasms. :thumbs-up:
Quote:I use those as candles in my basement....they burn forever
Is that what was dripping on my head all night??? Eeeeeeewwwww!
Quote:Q-tips = ear orgasms.

VG, care to explain that to us unknowing folk?

Luna....what color was it?
it just feels really really really good is all :-)
I remember Demi Moore talking about that once on either Leno or Letterman...obviously I was paying close attention :lol:
Quote:Luna....what color was it?
Well, come to think of was grodey yellow....
Excuse me while I go jump in a pot of boiling water now. :crackhead:
Who wants Luna stew???? Should be ready in about an hour :poke:
Hey VG, what do ya say you, me, and my box of q-tips get together, and see what happens. :-D
[Image: 25RA.jpg]

BTW, Arpi doesn't use Q-Tips. He's scared of them. :-p
I always get the 500 pack. I got to Sams Club here and thats what they have.
Quote:I always get the 500 pack. I got to Sams Club here and thats what they have.
Now if only you could get the 500 pack of eggrolls.....
OOOOH good idea. Now I want one.. **drool* mmmm eggroll....
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