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Weird........ Strawberry Fields Forever is on the radio right now.
Thanks for scaring me for no reason! I practically erased my whole computer at work! DICK!
I'm pretty sure you can still get fired for looking at inappropriate sites.
Not at my job, the receptionist gambles all day, and someone else looked at porn, that's why we got the firewall....I've gotten spoken to about being on the net, but never about the sites.
ahh yet another "look at me look at me look at me" gaynerd thread.:fuckoff:
Quote:ahh yet another "look at me look at me look at me" gaynerd thread.
You can't NOT look at me. I'm like a car wreck that everyone wishes they were involved in.
I'm the one who is really out of work, help me and let gaymay rot. It's cold out there and it hurts, it stings bad mommy.
we could use an extra part time waitress at the park gonzy, lemme know if you're interested :-p
I hear that Ladi's company is great to work for maynard, and they pay should check into that...
Quote:I hear that Ladi's company is great to work for maynard, and they pay should check into that...
Yeah, kinda like stepping out of the fire, and into hell. Sounds like a good idea. I'll check it out.
forget about work, just collect unemployment and live the summer of uncle sam
I don't think there's such thing as a good job, a fulfilling, meaningful career... is there? You'll probably end up hating everywhere you work eventually. Even if you work for yourself, you deal with lots and lots of hours and no free time...I think that's why I'm having so much trouble thinking about what I want to do with my life, no job will make me happy....damn, I should just marry for money or something....Undecided
Quote:I don't think there's such thing as a good job, a fulfilling, meaningful career... is there?

If you enjoy your job more than 50% of the time, your doing good. Every job has it's down side. Could be long hours, annoying co-workers, the occasional menial, boring tasks, pain in the ass clients or anything else you've read about in Dilbert. Dilbert is all 100% true...except for the talking dog trying to take over the world.

Doesn't matter what you do. Artists have to deal with getting grants, organizing shows, and selling their stuff. Actors have to deal with dozens of auditions and dozens of rejections. Pro-Athletes have to deal with reporters, stalkers, agents, etc.

Edit -
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>"Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation." - Aristotle</span>

Edited By Arthur Dent on May 21 2002 at 12:14
Quote:forget about work, just collect unemployment and live the summer of uncle sam
Fucking bum!:fuggin: You better take that offer you got.
So not that any of you really care after this thread. But I've been seriously thinking about this lately, and have decided to stop being lazy and go to school. Maybe I'm a little old to do conventional school, but who cares right? I'm doing this for myself, not for anyone else. I'm looking into art programs at my local county college, because that is what my time right now will allow. I have still not decided what direction I'm going to go in, so I guess maybe I'll make an appointment with an advisor to maybe help me figure that part out. It will most likely be in graphic design (a field in which I have 4 years experience), but....I've also been thinking about fashion or interior design. I know they are on opposite sides of the spectrum, but I need to really think this through, and not make any more shitty decisions. I guess I will have some time to think about it though, because alot of the classes overlap, so I wouldn't be wasting time by going in one direction and switching later on.

Is there anyone else out there that has gone to school for art? If so, what kind? And what do you do with it now?
Quote:Is there anyone else out there that has gone to school for art? If so, what kind? And what do you do with it now?

My picture of Tippy the Turtle in the TV guide was soooooo good I qualified for the Art Institute of America......

still looking for a job though.
If the 50% thing is actually rule, I am ahead of the game. For the first two and a half years at my company, I loved every second of it. There was nothing that I wanted out of my job that I wasn't getting. I was thoroughly challenged, given absolute freedom, and got along famously with everyone I worked with.

For the last year and half, I pretty much loathed every second. We got bought by this international firm and pretty much everything went to shit. In 2000, I made 1/4 what I made the prior year, my bosses sucked, my customers went out of business or got bought, I had to sit in meetings for a day a week, my friends quit, and all of our good engineers quit so we had a bunch of incompetant stiffs I was trying to get to help customers. It was just horrible.

So I left in September, and have been posting on messageboards ever since.

Of course, on Thursday, my Fall/Winter/Spring of Galt ends as I start a concentrated 12-month MBA program and all my fun is over.
I'm the same way Galt. I loved my job for the first 2 years. Was learning something every day. I was actually using my knowledge and training. But for the past year, it has all gone to shit. I realized that everything I did for those 2 years, all the busting my ass, it just wasn't getting me ANYWHERE! I was being ignored when I asked for raises, I was even being ignored when I would just ask to have a fucking meeting about a project. I think what I realized is that my company (which has been around for over 100 years) still has the same buisness mentality that they had 100 years ago. They have not changed, and probably never will. They just suck.

That's why I'm off looking in a new direction.
One of the most important things to do AFTER you get a job in the field you want is to get to know as many people as possible outside of your company. Create a network of contacts. Get a reputation in the industry. So when you don't like where your working you can tell someone and get calls for interviews before you leave and just go do the same thing or something similar for more money for a better company.

Done it twice already.
Well that's the thing Dent, I don't want to stay in this field. I want to change fields. I already worked in graphic design many years ago, and don't have any contacts anymore. Although, I have slowly been building up a business contact list through the bike shop i work in. We get alot of prominent businessmen coming in. I've already had a few job offers in computer networking (which i'm trying to get out of) and I've even had offers to do a few websites for people.

It was a field I should have never left in the first place. My soul is that of an artist, and if I'm not doing something with music, it will be in art of some sort.
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