Full Version: Is mike piazza gay?
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Quote:I don't live in NY. It's not the center of the universe you know
actually it is, hick
His name was all over the papers cause he married was in every paper...
Liza Minelli's marriage isn't exactly front page news on the Boston Globe. We're not celebrity stalkers here in Boston who have to document every single action of celebrities, their families, friends, pets, and neighbors. Front page news here is actual news. We leave that meaningless shit for the last and least meaningful section of the paper: Arts/Entertainment. We care more about the economy, the war on terrorism, and Shea Hillenbrand.
Yea I can understand having to focus so much on the Red Sox doing so well now...I mean it's not like there will be any coverage of that come October.
Quote:and Shea Hillenbrand.
pretty soon nomar is going to turn him gay
Hey maybe the Knicks, Rangers, and Jets will get really good draft picks for next year!
That might bother me if I gave a shit about anything but the Yankees.
Ricky Martin had the most supple ass I had ever seen. Ever more supple than young Froy.
hey galt, go to the big dig with a large hammer and pound a six foot pile of bostons finest dirt up your cavernous ass
6 feet of dirt wouldn't fit into my 5' 11 1/2" body
6 feet of dirt wouldn't fit into my 5' 11 1/2" body[/quote]
hee hee, you are wee
Hee hee, I'm the size of a normal human. You're a freakishly tall, scrawny, uncoordinated goon with the grace of a moose. Plus you suck at the html tags
Thanks okay, Arpi, those mean kids from gym class aren't here to mock your gangly, inward-pointing knees as you tried to play sports.

You just be yourself. Jesus loves you
i hate you more than i hate ken
there is a guy suing the yankees. he worked in the locker room. he claims that a few of the players made fun of him because he was openly gay. he also says that he had sexual relations with jeter and posada. the suit was filed in february, i hav no clue how it didn't make it to the papers. there's also the chance that this guy made up all those charges to extort money from the yanks.
Who's Ken?
Brady Anderson was released by the Indians yesterday.....coincidence???

Myself, I think Piazza is straight.
Brady: overpaid, waste of space. Coincedence or just smart?
he wasn't getting much from the Indians. I think it was his .160 batting average..Or he tried tea bagging Bartolo Colon.
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