Full Version: Luna......what a twat.
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Quote:I heard the wow pics you post aren't really you!!!
Yep...that's are absolutely correct...they are really Silera! :-o
ignore him luna, he is a thoughtless douchenozzle and he will be destroyed. this thread will be his undoing
Threats from a naked man in a sombrero....
I am trembling...
[Image: mefinger.jpg]
I luv teh Sombrero! :loveya:
Nobody messes with my Sombrero Man!
Look at that picture again Luna,
I am willing to bet your sombrero man never kept his lunch money past second period.
Quote:I am willing to bet your sombrero man never kept his lunch money past second period.
this coming from a geek who spent most of a high school in a locker
don't get too mad.....
If you start typing too hard on your keyboard you might snap one of your spindly digits.
i have decided to ignore you forever. you are dead to me.
I think 3/4ths of the board will soon be posting here hoping for the same results.
[Image: FUKPcopy.jpg]
i :loveya: teh luna horns
Luna your hands look much more manly than Arpi's when you flip me off.
Quote:[Image: FUKPcopy.jpg]
I love you Luna. Can I bear your children? :loveya: :loveya:

BTW....I want Arpi to die! I just noticed that he has the website up on his computer. :fuckoff:
I'll wear teh horns if you wear teh sombrero.....what'ya say? :loveya:
Luna's horney today!!! :-p
Quote:I love you Luna. Can I bear your children long as you go through the labor and the actual birthing it will work out just fine! :lol:
Quote:BTW....I want Arpi to die! I just noticed that he has the website up on his computer
look again idiot!!!

luna, i am wearing my sombrero right now (and nothing else);-) long as you go through the labor and the actual birthing it will work out just fine!
As long as I get a night of your sweet sweet lovin. Then no problem!

Sorry Arpi, I had my eyes closed. Undecided
Am I the only one who thinks Luna could take Arpi in a game of Mercy?
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