Full Version: Bring back steph.
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My suggestion: Give Heyman full control of creative. Let Steph have Lesnar. She talks, he works. It's a lot better, because it builds up Lesnar a lot better w/o the homo subtext that Paul and Brock have now.

It works a lot better, because no one BELIEVED Jericho in his role as Steph's lackey, because he was more than able to talk on the mic.

Lesnar can't talk. Lesnar busts heads. Steph talks. Steph's bust is as big as her head. It's a perfect fit.
the problem with steph is that she talks to much, why bring her back to talk more?
Seph is still here. He just posted like 10 minutes ago.
Please keep her off of my ears are almost fully healed from her screeching!
Quote:My suggestion: Give Heyman full control of creative. Let Steph have Lesnar. She talks, he works. It's a lot better, because it builds up Lesnar a lot better w/o the homo subtext that Paul and Brock have now.

It works a lot better, because no one BELIEVED Jericho in his role as Steph's lackey, because he was more than able to talk on the mic.

Lesnar can't talk. Lesnar busts heads. Steph talks. Steph's bust is as big as her head. It's a perfect fit.
i dont know who any of these people are. i just felt like participating
Arpi sucks in this thread.
i am gay, kens sister gives head
no no no, sperm breathe. Ken's sister gives good anal. If you're gonna use a TOG, at least get it right dick!
is that what is sounds like when a cock sucker snores?
Quote:Is it Grumpy and his forced, unfunny anger?
:lookatme: hi galt