Full Version: Who the fuck are these people?
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Quote:the saddest part is that you went through the directory and took note of all the people who haven't posted
Quote:Posted: May 22 2002,05:46
Like I had anything better to do.
Quote:Like I had anything better to do.

try sleep. sleep is so nice.
I tried and I failed
come to me sleeper and i will sing you a lullaby:-)
I'm not POSITIVE, but if I remember my AIM screennames correctly... I THINK "MaadMaan" may have been Bullnuggets (wonder how many people will remember that one..)
You are not elite. You are goth dude.:-o
Woohoo Bullnuggets, where is Skuttlbut and MLK??
Well, there is Mav, and the rest are all of Mav's ("other") names, should he ("need") them.
They who are, are cooler than you.
this thread stays but my soup thread gets deleted. bah!
haha, you're thread was deleted! you couldn't possibly suck more!!
somebody must hate soup
i say u can get rid of tazz, hes a fucking psycho dickwad that only signed up to read what i was saying while we were dating but since i dumped his sorry ass, he has no business here
Quote:you're thread
ok, that's the 2nd time. is this some kind of anti sub movement?
no, I'm just an idiot.
Quote:Cold Day In hell welcomes our newest member pman
wasn't there already a pman? :clueless:
nah, that's gmann
Quote:People with 0 posts:
atomic punk
see, me no crazy :bouncer:
who cares?
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