Full Version: Im sooooooooooo angry!!!!!!!
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Pages: 1 2 im not....just figured that would fool some of you into looking here.

[Image: d4c60936a239e5c589099705618359c5.jpg]
Not me. I didn't look.
WOW!!! MayMay stop it.....
I am wetting my pants with laughter.
You must feel so much better after passing that, Jimmy. At least walking a bit lighter on your feet today....
YOU'RE GOING TO GET ME FIRED!! just have no idea!

Polly...........uhhh......sorry Undecided
I thought it was soup that I'm home and looking...what in the hell is that?!
On first glance, I thought it was a brain. On second glance...realized I was wrong.
It's your brain on drugs,
get the picture?
No Ken, that's not eggs!
I've heard about your cooking.......
I hate to cook.
I can teach you how to make this dish angel. :thumbs-up:
she knows how to make dishes that "taste" like it already......

little sprig of parsley and it will look great. are really pushing the envelope, Ken! Confusedneak:
Quote:I can teach you how to make this dish angel.
I think I made something similar over the weekend.

And shut up Ken. :-p
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