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I was driving today and saw this anti-abortion mobile you know a van with a bunch of anti-abortion bumper stickers like "God is pro-life" (no he's not) and there was one I saw that kind of confused me which said "Your mother was pro life" and I thought jeepers, that's an odd statement to make about my mother. What makes these jerk offs think that my mother was pro-life and didn't CHOOSE LIFE. Just because you're pro-choice doesn't mean you're going to kill everything that grows inside you. Fucking pro-lifers.
so..........did you kill them?
I always just make a comment about coat hangers and that seems to make their day.
Wire or plastic?
wire, the plastic ones won't reach
....don't you have any knowledge of that area?

I saw a bumper sticker once, that was something like... Every child is wanted..... which is total BS, there are plenty of kids who need adoption & grow up fucked over instead. There are too many people around as it is.

Edited By Hey Ladi on May 23 2002 at 11:43
Quick Robin! To the Anti-Abortion Mobile!
Na-na-na-na-na-na Batman!
that's when you ram into their car and kill everone inside. that's called pro-choice!