Full Version: Damn you,!
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I'm debating throwing down an additional $50 to my order for Brazil. It's an expanded DVD with Gilliam commentaries and all sorts of extras. Even an alternate commercial release of the movie to make it more acceptable to the masses.
i could never understand why there are all those extras on DVD's? it pisses me off they can't just make a normal DVD of a movie and sell it cheaper. :bah:
and they wonder why people would rather download a movie
But I only buy movies with lots of extra features. :-(

You should see how many copies of Evil Dead my brother has bought.
it would make sense to only buy movies with a lot of extra features with the price they charge
i'm just saying for every movie with a whole lot of features they should have a cheaper version with no features for like $10
They do! On a little thing called VHS!
VHS's are the shit.
those aren't too little :disappointed:
I miss me killer BETA collection. :-(
I think I need a book on company valuations in a fluctuating economy.
what pisses me off is when i buy a movie and then they come out with a special edition months later....its happened with 4 movies i had already (almost famous, memento, usual suspects, traffic) and being the sucker i am i always sell the shitty version on ebay and buy the good one. :fuckoff:
I keep finding stuff i want to get, but don't want to have to ship home. Like an awesome framed print of spiderman sitting on the very top of a pointed building in pouring rain looking depressed. Hope I can find this stuff on the net or in a store at home later.
How can a guy with a mask on look depressed?

Does he have a sad smiley face drawn on the outside of the mask?
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