Full Version: Ditched for sex with my ex..... - And why are you home?
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Bah...I wanted to see Insomnia, but it was sold out....and just how many of you slept with my friend tonight?!
i didntUndecided
Quote:and just how many of you slept with my friend tonight?!
I didn't, but I thought about her while I masturbated.
Quote:and just how many of you slept with my friend tonight?!
The evenings not over yet. I'll update you later. :-D
OAS...are you on the other side of the planet? :clueless:

I'm always home....I like my homes...I'm a home hermit....
I don't work on Mondays anyway...and I'm home.

How many times can I say home here.
You're homely.
Quote:I'm always home....I like my homes...I'm a home hermit....
I don't work on Mondays anyway...and I'm home.

Did you build the playroom in your home yet? :fucking: :lol:

P.S. - I'm not at home. I'm at work. No Memorial Day for me. Sad

Edited By Arthur Dent on May 27 2002 at 10:16
PF, just so you know...I didn't sleep with your friend, k?
Quote:....and just how many of you slept with my friend tonight?!

hey i was free ;-)
Pages: 1 2