Full Version: Back to work - Man, what a weekend...
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I want to go home...and some freak left me a voice mail of elevator music.Undecided
Quote:Sun: Had plans to dinner and drink, but got ditched for penis
That's why your plans should have included penis. Oh and I didn't find the time to sleep with her. Gotta ump at 6 tonight but I'm free after that. I'll call her then. :lol:
Quote:That's why your plans should have included penis.

I'm picky about the penis....she's the human mattress....thus she'll sleep with you ;-)
Quote:I'm picky about the penis....she's the human mattress....thus she'll sleep with you
It's always nice to hear that the perfect woman still exists! :fucking:
Quote:she's the human mattress

As long as she's not lumpy with springs poking out everywhere....
friday-sat around house
saturday-white water rafting in PA
sunday-yard work, then see "ditched for sex with ex" thread for sunday night
monday-more yard work
friday: worked 2 to 11
saturday: worked 11 to 7
sunday: worked 10:30 to 11
monday: worked 10:30 to 11
today: clean living room, do laundry
tomorrow: work 2 to 10/11
thursday: work 11 to 5, do laundry, clean
friday: work 2 to 10/11
saturday: work 11 to 7/8
sunday: work 10:30 to 10/11
monday: i might actually be off, it'll probably be spent cleaning apt again...

well, you get the idea... :disappointed: :crackhead: desperately need :fuggin: :disappointed:
Quote:saturday-white water rafting in PA
Kitattiny Canoes?
nah...jim thorpe, on the leigh(sp?) river
Ah...ok....white water rafting is fun, isn't it? :-D
Thorpe rules! Did you camp there as well?
no camping...just a day long trip down the river, leading to a horrible and 2 days of lower back pain.very fun, though.theres a rock on one of the parts where 2 people died 30 years ago, and the entire trip was explicitly told to avoid the rock.guess what my boat did?
fine fine, ignore my pain, just sit there and talk about all the fun summer things i won't be doing...Undecided
Sat: Dungeon Siege
Sun: Dungeon Siege
Mon: Arrived at Castle Ehb
Hopefully I'll finish this goddamn game tonight :-p
Thurs: Played a killer show at Bar None
Friday: BBQ, went to Sea Gull and drank that night
Sat: went to D'jais in the afternoon, too packed, left went to Tradewinds that night
Sunday: Donovans in the afternoon, Tradewinds that night
Monday: BBQ, went to see Insomnia that night
Awww...poor CRX...... :-(

[Image: pftroest.gif]
aww, thanks luna, if only that could make me rich and unemployed that would be really cool.
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