Full Version: If it ryhmes, it must be true
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Beckster Beckster came back with teh crabs
Does she not know those sorta parasites I stab?
Beckster Beckster why are you itchin'?
If you get rid of those would be most bitchin'!

:-o :-o :-o :-o
OAS the dirty old man
Met a girl, called herself Sam,
Ran his hand up her thighs
When much to his surprise,
He found a hot dog & not the bun!

Pollyanna wants a puppy
Hopes she doesn't get a guppy.
Looking for a man,
One with a plan,
Who doesn't mind she carries a gun!
Luna Luna howls at the moon.
And when she serves it up
it's some really fine poon.
She can give you some rocking thought's from the past,
But boy if you cross her she will kick your ass.
there once was a kid
his name was hybrid
and he was kind of funny
then came hedcold
he wasnt quite old
but they said he ripped off
but hedcold would scoff
and he just sat and stroked the bunny Undecided
There's a Metalfan riding the train
I think there is something tweaked in his brain,
No, he's not a flamer
He just likes the Torture chamber.
And now screams "More!"
When you shut his dick in the door,
And pull his hair for good luck! :burnfucker:
There once was a girl named Ladi,
with tattoos all over her body,
She just got more ink,
near a place with a stink,
But I still think the bitch is a hotty.
There once was a hotty hispanic,
Who caused a message board panic,
She dated a whore named Alkey,
Who's as cool as "Cousin Balkey"
And made all the men quite manic.
Luna, my Indian whore,
Banged White Men by the score,
I damn her to hell
for her payments in shell
For she won't take green papers no more.
There once was a Man Named Greed,
there once was a man named oaawite.


There once was a lady named PschoBitch,
there once was a lady named incognito
there once was a lady named Street Angel,
there once was a lady named Papersomething or other.
there once was a lady named........
There once was a girl named VG:loveya:
Who for some reason didn't like me???????
I would send her my love,
which she'd tell me to shove.
then laugh at me with some sick glee.
ken ken ken
you suck hairy balls.
and will not leave me alone.
ken ken ken
took cookies from me
cant you see
girl, what you do to me
your peach and pear
set me free
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