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Although he DID recite the lines to Feel Good Hit. Rolleyes
Just got back from the show last night.

It rocked!
Slash, You are a rock and roll ANIMAL!
OK, so tonight's show was unbelievable!!!

They were much cleaner than last night (I think because Josh was wasted). Dave played much better tonight.

So standing outside looking for a ticket (of which I found 20 minutes before the show started), Josh Homme walks by me, and jokingly, I said "Hey Josh, do you have an extra ticket?" and right there I could tell he just spent all night drinking at the bar cause he looked at me with that long drunk face, and said "sorry man, no". I think he thought I was actually serious. Oh well.

They weren't nearly as loud as in Philly, but the sound system was much better. You could actually hear Lanagan when he came out to sing. It was a much smaller club too which was cool. I'm psyched to see the Melvins there next month.
If I was a groupie, I'd be taking of work tomorrow and driving to Boston, then to DC on Sunday.....

[Image: f_hot.gif]
as per usual i have never heard of this band
I at least need you to stop by and drop off some programs this weekend...Rolleyes
NAh, I think I'll skip all the long drives till the Melvins come. Seeing them twice in two nights just isn't enough.

Although.....I WILL get to see them on Halloween again..

Oh what to do, what to do..... has a bootleg up from the whole show in Atlanta last week Confusedmokey:
I downloaded that the other day. It sounds like shit. The recording is rumored to be a soundboard, but it's not. The only nice things about that boot are the fact that you can actually hear all the vocals (including Lanagan's) and you get to hear the new songs. Other than that, it's pretty crappy. I don't know what that guy used to record it, but he was AWFUL!

On a better note....there were TWO people videotaping the Bowery show.

Also, Queens had a professional recording done of the Troubador show, and we can hopefully look forward to a live album from them. :-)
:-o :-o :-o :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:

I'm listening to an advanced copy of "Songs For The Deaf", which is their new album, due out August 13th. :-D:-D:-DConfusedmokey: Confusedmokey:

I fucking win!! are going to send that to me.....Right??????? :bow: :lookatme: :bouncer: are going to send that to me.....Right???????
Now what do you think???
Quote:I downloaded that the other day. It sounds like shit.
Doesn't sound like shit on MY 'puter...
Yours must suck.
Can someone send me Songs For The Deaf??
Whoever want's this album, hit me up on AIM tonight and I'll send it. And I know you don't want to talk to me in AIM SLASH, so I'll send it to Sluggo and you can get it from him.

Unless someone has an FTP that I can use to load this to.
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