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Maynard Wrote:I AM NOT A FAG!!!! My boyfriend is.
Alkey---> :fuckin: <---Maynard
You are a fag.
It says so in your status.
Well poo on you.
Maynard Wrote:Well poo on you.
SPOO on you!
IrishAlkey Wrote:
Quote:Well poo on you.
SPOO on you!
Why don't you just eat it like you usually do?
Maynard Wrote:
Quote:Well poo on you.
SPOO on you!
Why don't you just eat it like you usually do?
Don't try and pretend to know the wonderous qualities of spoo.
It makes a good hair conditioner?
Hey Ladi Wrote:It makes a good hair conditioner?
spoo makes good everything
Spoo writes the songs that make the young girls cry...
Spoo for President! :got head:
IrishAlkey Wrote:Spoo writes the songs that make the young girls cry...
Is spoo is or is spoo ain't my baby...
wow, can I really have passed Alkey's post count? holy shit, I can't call him a whore no more.

Edited By Rape Fantasizer on Jan. 22 2002 at 04:47
ha, you're all whores, the lot of yas :lol: :bouncer: :real good:
Even me?
sure, why not, although, you might just be a poserwhore, we'll see... :Spits:
crx girl Wrote:sure, why not, although, you might just be a poserwhore, we'll see... :Spits:
Even though I have nothing to add to that, I guess I would have to respond anyway If I were a whore, wouldn't I?
gee trish, it looks like youve jumped up a place, don't call us post whores if you won't admit you're one too.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:gee trish, it looks like youve jumped up a place, don't call us post whores if you won't admit you're one too.
have i ever actually denied it? :fuggin:
crx girl Wrote:
Quote:gee trish, it looks like youve jumped up a place, don't call us post whores if you won't admit you're one too.
have i ever actually denied it? :fuggin:
You're my whore.
Quote:You're my whore.

So what did I graduate to?????
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:You're my whore.

So what did I graduate to?????
Love slave.
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