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While I was getting my oil changed today, I saw a truck with NY plates come in for some maintenance. On the back of the truck, I noticed an american flag sticker and some detailing - "9/11/2001 - Remember Flight 93."

I commented to the wife of the couple that I noticed the sticker and how I liked it - how people usually focus on the towers and forget that another 500 people died from the Pentagon and Flight 93.

I then found out that the father of her husband - the man driving the truck - was on Flight 93. We spoke for a little while, and I told her that Todd Beamer lived right down the highway, two towns over.

We shared some mutual sorrow... it was somewhat cathartic, but it was the first time I physically met someone who had lost someone on September 11th.

As the couple left, the gentleman punched me in the shoulder in a friendly gesture and said, "Thanks man. Take care." "I said to him thank you - and thank you to your father, for being a hero."
once, in a movie theater,i met the guy who played mr whipple
Fuck off Ken.

Thank's for sharing that story Tenbats. Too many people forget.

The day of the attack....I went to an overlook in Morristown, NJ. When I was there, there were probably 50 people there as well. And I actually talked to a few people that were late for work that day, and worked in the towers. They just stood there with their families and cried.

I still can't believe they got the site cleaned up so fast. The workers really busted their asses with the cleanup.
Maynard -

From what I understand, they were working 3 shifts, 24/7... when they said it would take until late this year to clean up, they were figuring on a snowy winter and very wet spring... the extremely mild winter assisted greatly on the cleanup.

They are also working triple shifts trying to get the Pentagon ready for 9/11/2002... but they're saying it won't make it.

Some things I realized about the attacks...

1) The Giants saved a lot of lives. If the Giants hadn't played Monday Night Football on 9/10, a lot of people would have gone into work *on time* and been caught in the disaster, including my brother's best friend. A *LOT* of people watched the crashes from the ferries as they crossed over.

2) The thing that sucked the most is that my parents and brother were traveling at the time, and I was alone for most of the week, drinking, and watching Fox News. I was scared, I hated that feeling.

One of my best friends' weddings was the weekend after 9/11. Because of all the cops protecting the bridges, I literally set a speed record from DC to Central Jersey - 3 hrs, 11 mins.
i worked with a girl who lost her husband. i say girl cause she's only 24 & they were married only 2 months. i felt so awful for her. as i feel so awful for everyone. ugh. i feel like i cry so easily now. awful.
i also met jon stewart on 5th avenue. it was cool
i saw micheal curry once in times square. i was all like 'hey its mr coop' to my friend.

good times
tim meadows almost ran me over on 71st & york
i met the guy that played seinfelds father in rhinebeck(upstate ny). it took me three days to figure out who the hell he was.
Should I feel bad because I didn't know which one flight 93 was until he explained it in the story?