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Revolting Cocks
Butthole Surfers
Dead Kennedys
pork tornado
mack hackett and the tacky jackets
the well hungarians
and they will know us by the trail of our dead
There's a band playing at the SHOD festival (Stoner Hands of Doom) called
Pinky Tuscadero's White Knuckle Ass Fuck can't beat that name :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edited By Spitfire on June 04 2002 at 3:06
<li>toad the wet sprocket
<li>the meat puppets

Pinky rules!
[Image: pinky.jpg]
i prefer leather
[Image: f_leather.jpg]
didnt we do this once before?

yes, but they are still funny
Curl up and Die
Pig Destroyer
Anal Cunt
Richard hell and the Voidoids
I always laugh histerically when I hear the band name Screaming Cheetah Wheelies. :lol: I've never even heard them. The only thing I know about them is they are some sort of rock band.
i love teh Luna:loveya:
nice. i love Revolting Cocks.
that doesn't say too much about your appearance or your sex life!!!

yes, i know the band revolting cocks!!!
i was wondering what someone would come up with after i said that.
sorry dru, i couldn't resist such a set up.
Luna, you may actually like the Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies, they're a good band...kinda Southern rockish and full of soul
Kewl Beans! I may just have to download some stuff as I am back in the file-sharing thing! :bouncer:
Nerf Herder
Wall of Voodoo
super furry animals
I named a ficticious band that I did a comic strip of back in high school...
Punk band...Smegma and the Isms...
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