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If you can find it, I'd like some
[Image: quispbio.gif]
Theres actually a

And name brands for me, Fuck that generic shit.
i always get what i want, i hardly get the generic stuff...generic cereal just tastes funny
My friend wnet to school in Allentown & swears they used to drink some cheap ass beer in a white can with black letters across the front.. "BEER"
Quote:My friend wnet to school in Allentown & swears they used to drink some cheap ass beer in a white can with black letters across the front.. "BEER"
My friend went to Penn State Berks Campus for one year before transferring to main campus. I went to a party with him one night, and they had that "BEER" there. :rofl:
:bouncer: She'll be so pleased, no one ever says they saw it!

(we are easily amused) :thumbs-up:
Quote: She'll be so pleased, no one ever says they saw it!

(we are easily amused)
So is she going to be our third party? :-D
that has to be the coolest thing ever!! i thought black label was bad, i gotta get me some of that "beer"
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