Full Version: The raping ain't that bad... - Once the bleeding stops...
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Ya know, people in the hole bitch about the anal intrusion, the circle jerks in the shower, the forced bukkake shots in the laundry room and the lock-jaw, but ya get used to it after a while. I mean, love is love, right? A man is just a woman with no tits and a dick. Once your asshole stretches out a bit, it kinda starts to feel good. Don't fear the hole, embrace it!
We're all pink on the inside, after all.
The board is a hell of alot better without you fucking every thread up with your "HA HA I AM A HOMOSEXUAL, I SUCK TEH COCK" act.

The gay jokes are funny every once in a while. But when every single post in every single thread is a fag joke, not only does it get un-funny very fast, it gets annoying as all fucking bloddy hell.

Rot in here forever.
Seph, just wait till I get out.
I'll have you squeeling like a fucking pig.
Alkey gave it up to the Sisters, ha haw

Edited By IkeaBoy on Jan. 21 2002 at 6:18
I know the real faggots are still sucking and blowing their way through the pit...I can hear the screams from my hole.

Edited By IrishAlkey on Jan. 21 2002 at 6:29
Quote:The board is a hell of alot better without you fucking every thread up with your "HA HA I AM A HOMOSEXUAL, I SUCK TEH COCK" act.
Hahahaha, Seph thinks it's an act. Ahh, to be young and naive.

Edited By Ants in My Pants on Jan. 21 2002 at 6:33
Ants in My Pants Wrote:Hahahaha, Seph thinks it's an act. Ahh, to be young and naive.
He's just pissed cuz all of his robots are sucking his ninjas' dicks.
irish at this rate u will never get out..good ridence to you
Bartman Wrote:irish at this rate u will never get out..good ridence to you
Bart, you bring out the pedophile in me.
ahh so the truth comes out..
BeckyDC Wrote:ahh so the truth comes out..
You'll never know the truth.
I know it! I know it!
Quote:You'll never know the truth.

Quote:I'll have you squeeling like a fucking pig.

DEFINATELY not the truth :real good:
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:You'll never know the truth.

Quote:I'll have you squeeling like a fucking pig.

DEFINATELY not the truth :real good:

You squeeled like a boar.
Quote:You squeeled like a boar.

No hunny..I was sleepin must've been your dog..
BeckyDC Wrote:
Quote:You squeeled like a boar.

No hunny..I was sleepin must've been your dog..
I thought I wasn't supposed to call you that in public?