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PS. My Level3 stock is up 50% today. (don't ask where I bought it though.....)

Warren Buffett finally buying into the tech space is a goooooooood sign
Quote:if you people arent buying stocks right now you are will never get prices like this again. the S&P alone is a bargain hunters dream
With the Dow at 10,200 June 7th

Quote:Any guesses where it will actually bottom out? I'm predicting 7200. To me, that's where it seemed to settle in a few years ago before the inflated .com's and shaddy accounting practices seemed to over inflate the market.
June 26th

Quote:B. You predicting any bottom is just as stupid and baseless as Arpi saying that you'll never see it this low.
Only 600 more points to go. What do you think Wednesday? :-D
i have been on a buying frenzy all week. just bought some j&j and put more into my s&p fund. in 20 years i am going to be a happy man
Quote:have been on a buying frenzy all week. just bought some j&j
You will be slitting your throat when they are the next to get hit with the accounting practice trend.
naw, a little legal trouble, thats all. stock dipped and i jumped
Quote:in 20 years i am going to be a happy man
And until then you'll just be a bitter person with abnormally shaped fingers
Quote:And until then you'll just be a bitter person with abnormally shaped fingers
true, except for the fingers part
DGW, one good buy I'm thinking of is Lucent. Will you be doing any less slacking in the near future? If so, productivity might pick up and my hunch would be right.
Slacking has been few and far between.

I'm hoping Lucent's the one that comes out of this whole mess. The stock still killed me, but I'm still young. Some of these older folkx, yourself excluded OAS, lost their future. Fucking shame.
Quote:Some of these older folkx, yourself excluded OAS, lost their future. Fucking shame.
If we act right when this bottoms out, it won't be that bad. Otherwise, we just don't retire early. Can you imagine us working until were 70?
Lucent is a mess. Avoid it like the plague.

I competed with them before I started school, and I know a bunch of people who work there right now.

They're in serious trouble, and if they don't get purchased soon, they'll be filing for chapter 11 soon.
Bumpus I say! If Lucent were going to file it would have happened a year ago when we fell 40 points in 2 weeks. They're also currently negotiating a contract with my union. So that gives a lil hope. Just hope I'm not bumped before then.
Lucent is a gamble. However, at $2.00 a share, logic suggests it should at least double with any substained market uptick.
I put 10% of my weekly before tax pay int there stock plan. Plus 15% off. The last month I've been averaging almost 50 shares a week. So I sit and wait and hope.
Lucent sucks ass. Companies are moving away from $500,000 voice switches which are Lucent's bread and butter and moving towards data where Cisco is king. Lucent's not going to displace Cisco in the data world. It's just not going to muscle in on a company that has 90% of the market.

Even if Lucent had good products (which I never thought they did in data), it's all from acquisition and unlike Cisco they never learned how to integrate the companies.


I blame unions.
I know my union sux.
It has no ballies
I got a 67 cent raise thise year from these tools who negotiated my contract.
Best bet for me with my skillz is for my contract run out and they would keep people based on performance. But that's in a perfect world...this world has unions.
market up almost 1000 points in the last 2 days. hee hee
Another 2000 points and your original advice will be valid. :rofl:
if you are on the twenty year plan like i am. if you bought a ton of stock last week like i did, you will be a very happy man.
Jonathan Siegel wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal in January 2000 about how the market was highly overvalued and was ripe for a massive massive fall. He predicted at least a full under 10,000 in the course of a year. He used specific examples like, Priceline, and Cisco.

Last week he wrote an article in the WSJ saying how the market was at a perfect bottom.

He's a badass finance guy from Warton School of Busines.
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