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see!!!!! he's a happy little fella, yet i will refrain from using him.
slug boy is a happy lil fella too.
somehow we got off topic,
we were discussing Ladi's giant head......
I much rather discuss Sluggo's giant head
Or LZ's selection of hockey helmets for the tard bus
You know Ladi,
that really isn't that nice of an ass in that pic.
Glad you think so. You won't miss me not sitting on your face then. :thumbs-up:
no need for drastic reaction.
I like your pic, Ladi....and I want those boots! :thumbs-up:
I'm just dropping by to tan.

Ken stay at least 10 ft away from me at all times.
Quote:Ken stay at least 10 ft away from me at all times.

:lol: i heard the mandatory distance to avoid Ken is at least 50 feet....better check your restraining order Sil
Silera is sitting on my lap right now.
Your delusions have reached epic proportions.
El Lobo es MUY GRANDE!!!
"El Lobo"???

Are you now a mexican ranchero band touring with Selena?
Caparacita Roja......don't you pay attention???

and the better to eat you with my dear.
Ken really is such a stud.
Alkey: I'm sitting in Ken's lap.
Wow his beautiful penis is big enough to share!!!
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