Full Version: Man down - and it's one of our own. - Afdude is in the hospital.
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Awful news to hear. Please let him know we're all thinking of him.
Get well soon, dude.
Yeah, definitely get better.
god that sucks...hope he feels better soon...:disappointed:
Fucking worthless drunken redneck southern faggots!! Get better soon man! :-(
AFDude...get better quick. And any word on the drunken fuckstick who caused this mess? (Please say he's dead, please say he's dead....)
Even though AF and I had our differences in the past, I wouldn't want to wish physical harm on anyone in real life in those circumstances. I'll keep him in my thoughts for a speedy recovery.

damn, Grumpy, if there's anything that anyone can do, let me know.

I hope that when you get better dude you give us a heads up.

Whoever is in contact with him, please send our best wishes to him.
:disappointed: this doesn't sound like fun:disappointed:

godspeed AFDude...
My thoughts are with you, Dave...

If anyone gets an address to send cards, please let me know...
If I find out what hospital he's in, I'll get a card, print this out and send it to him. I'm sure he'd appreciate knowing the retards from bus are thinking about him. I'm waiting for an email from his friend that sent the info to me.
Quote:Fucking worthless drunken redneck southern faggots!!

again, further proof that it takes one to know one.

Mike, let him know he is in my thoughts.
I certainly hope he isn't seriouly hurt, and that he gets better soon.
AF is a good man, he went out of his way to help me do something nice for someone once, and if there's anything I could do for him now I'd be more than happy to. I owe him big time.
He's one tough flyboy.......I'm sure he'll be kicking ass and taking names in no time......especially the fuckwad who did this :fuckoff:
Get well soon, AF.
I got an email from Dave's friend this morning. Here's the jist of it:

I spoke to David's father last night. The surgery to repair the nerve damage went well. His father called me a few minutes ago too-he has most of his range of movement back. They are keeping him in the hospital till at least Saturday for observation and see if they can figure out of the cause of his migraines. He might have to do a little physical therapy, but it seems like the worst might be over. They even offered to do a little cosmetic work on his face and arms to get rid of the glass cuts from going through the windshield.

I sent her a response to tell him that his friends from the shortbus send their best and hope he gets better soon.

PS - THIS POST WILL NOT BE EDITTED. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION. DON'T ASK ME TO BECAUSE I WILL JUST REFUSE. Re-read the title of this thread and the last 30 posts if you don't understand why I won't edit it.
Thanks for keeping us informed, Grumpy. I really appreciate it.
I don't get it, why would you edit it?

Tell Dave I'm thinking of him and hope he gets better soon.

That really fucking sucks. :disappointed:

Fucking people...stupid, ignorant, selfish, irresponsible assholes
Quote:again, further proof that it takes one to know one

I learned from the best:-p

I say again, get well soon dave, your plane at McGuire is waiting...
I wish the best. :thumbs-up:
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