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my boss is on vacation, so I tried to do all my work for the week between yesterday and today... :-D

other than that, I've been smokin', shroomin', going to shows, buying cd's, just chillin'....
busy with school stuff like finals, prom just passed, and everday shit.
Well during the day I am FORCED to work. Once I get home I'm pretty miserable but shoving my pulsating man pole into my dogs wet food works wonders for a bit. Then I take a walk down to the lake and watch the kiddies swim and try to avoid that flesh colored water moccasin. (FUCK YOU ALL I KNOW I CANT SPELL!) Then I mosey on home....I'm usually dry by the time i get there since I only go in the water up to my waist. Then I close my sleeping wifes had around my mule apply some pressure of my own...move my hips maybe 3 or 4...........hundred times.....blow my load on her sleep mask so it peels off like dead skin in the morning.

Glad ya asked?
Quote:Doing hard manuel labor in my joy

And does your gardener like it as much as you?:-p
working and uh, yeah, that pretty much covers it. and we bought a car yesterday :disappointed:

so, since i've basically sacrificed my soul and become management, i spend the majority of my time in the park. if you have nothing better to do than sit on the board and get the urge to spend some time in the outdoors, you could like, come visit me or something :lookatme:
working and sitting by the pool on weekends...other than that life hasn't changed
summer grad school

learning to play golf

riding rollercoasters with wrestlers

other than that, sitting here with my thumb up my butt.
School has been beating the shit out of me...
Gotta work on those study habits that I never had...
I am, however, doing pretty fucking well in my current course, although it's only going to get harder.
abso-fucking-luetly nothing!!!!!
No zoo field trips on the short bus this summer then, LZ?
about 280, but hopefully losing.
Quote:No zoo field trips on the short bus this summer then, LZ?
nope. i'm not allowed to go out without a caretaker. and i frighten the animals with my hockey helmet and lime green mouthguard.
just got a promotion at work, and it has been occupying every minute of my time. this is my first post in probably 4 weeks.
Quote:this is my first post in probably 4 weeks.

Who are you?
Let's see,
Daughter just graduated high school - spending money
Son just bought a Cutlass 442 - spending money
Getting ready to take daughter to Wisconsin for entrance exams - spending money
Tuition and housing bills comming in - spending money
Not getting laid as much as I would prefer
Calipers locked up on my Explorer burning rotors and boiling brake fluid - spending money

Other than that, not much.
Quote:Not getting laid as much as I would prefer

Let's see.....spending money on everything except getting laid.....hence not getting laid. See the solution yet OAS?
Quote:Let's see.....spending money on everything except getting laid.....hence not getting laid. See the solution yet OAS?
I'd have to rob from Peter to pay Pauline. :lol:
:fuggin: Confusedmokey: 93.6 GPA Confusedmokey: :fuggin:

That's for the stoner bashers!

i got a day off

i love the rain :bouncer: :firebounce: :bouncer: :-D:toast:
Quote:other than that, sitting here with my thumb up my butt.
You know, with a butt plug, you'd still get that nice feeling and be able to type with both hands at the same time.
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